Monday 30 November 2015

7 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Flaunt Your Relationship On Social Media

I’ve dated, been in a relationship, had my heartbroken and went through an ugly custody battle all without sharing any of it on social media.The most challenging part about it is being with someone who you truly love and care about that doesn’t understand why you don’t profess your love for them on social media. It seems like in 2014, people value what you do on social media more so than what you do in real life!

In my experience posting about your relationship only causes a lot of issues, here are the first seven I could think of. Feel free to leave any I forgot to mention below.

1. It Gives Haters and Frenemies an opportunity to “prey” on your significant other – Once you upload an “usie” and you’ve tagged your “bae” your followers go follow and friend request your new boo. Now they are looking through photos of him/her making an assessment of who they are, trying to find something bad to say about them and finally some may go to the extent of flirting with them online to try and get them to engage!

2. It Makes Public What Is Meant To Be Private – In my opinion romance is one of those things that is meant to be private! Of course, to each their own, but it just seems that once you change your relationship status the force of Facebook is against you.

Thursday 26 November 2015

12 Reasons You Should Have Sex With Your Partner Every Day

Love & Relationship
Are you stressed? Struggling to sleep? Turns out there are a number of ailments that can be cured simply by having sex regularly. Here are twelve reasons why you and your partner should be having sex daily!

1. Sex Reduces Stress.
If you’ve had a long day at work or you’re simply feeling a little overwhelmed, then sex will help you relax and reduce your stress levels! During sex our bodies produce dopamine, endorphins and oxytocin which together help us to de-stress, increases our natural happiness levels and enhances desire.

2. Sex Is An Enjoyable Exercise.
When faced with the word ‘workout’ many of us will recoil in horror, unless of course that workout involves sex. Throughout sex our bodies are continually experiencing physiological changes that are consistent with an exercise routine. Our breathing rates rise which in turn burns calories, which means that if you have sex just three times a week you can burn around 7,500 calories a year. That’s the same as running 75 miles!
‘Sex is a really great form of exercise,’ says Joseph J. Pinzone, MD. CEO and medical director of Amai Wellness. ‘Like with exercise, consistency helps maximize the benefits.’

Tuesday 24 November 2015

10 SMART Ways To Be Closer Than Ever In A Long Distance Relationship

Love & Relationship
Intimacy is a key aspect of any healthy relationship or marriage. It's based on a deep knowledge of one another, which typically comes from spending time together. That's why being in a long-distance relationship or marriage brings on special challenges to, both, emotional and physical intimacy.

Without spending time together on a regular basis, we miss out on all the little details that help to define our partner. We don't know what radio station he listens to in the car, or if he's changed his morning routine. We might not hear about that new friend at work, or her favorite new television show. And while these details may seem unimportant, knowing them undoubtedly makes us feel closer to our partner, and helps build intimacy.

Similarly, physical intimacy, the comfort and familiarity we get from being physically close to one another — whether it be holding hands, kissing, or shared sexual experiences— is super-important. Long-distance couples have very limited time together, therefore limiting their time to develop a physically intimate relationship. Some long-distance couples are able to have frequent, long conversations, which help to overcome some of these challenges. In fact, some of these couples get to know each other quite well because of these lengthy, late night Skype chats. Still, without spending the time together, intimacy can suffer.

Monday 23 November 2015

The Top 8 Reasons Women Cheat: This May Surprise You!

Love & Relationship
Most women have been taught since childhood to be "good little girls", "behave like a lady", and "grin and bear it”. Remember hearing the saying "little girls are made of sugar and spice, and all things nice"?Fast forward to the 21st century, where women are now allowed to be tough, to say NO, to speak their mind, to become CEO's and to enjoy sex. Women have become more assertive and in tune to their needs, wants and desires.

Some men like the fact that women are able to "talk the talk" and "walk the walk" while others feel intimidated by it. Without a doubt, this change has had a great impact on relationships between men and women, specifically the actions and behaviors of women.

According to 2012 statistics from the Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 14% of married women have cheated compared to 22% of married men. Although women are not exceeding men in cheating,women are having emotional affairs and sex behind their man's back. However, when a woman cheats, she is usually cheating for emotional intimacy while a man usually cheats for physical pleasure. 

Women are still emotionally invested in their relationships. Women want to feel desired, wanted and irresistable. It's quite phenomenal how far women have come in this world, from women's lib, entering the workforce, becoming professionals, breadwinners of the family, and now getting their needs met;even if it means cheating. Now get ready to see what I reveal about why women cheat.

1. Lack of attention and intimacy: 

How long can you go without receiving love and attention before you look somewhere else? Some can go for only days or weeks, and others can go for years. However, in general, women need and desire intimacy, physical touch, and mental and emotional attention. If you are not receiving this from your husband or boyfriend, it will only be a matter of time and you may seek it from another i.e. a caring guy friend, the attentive guy who feeds your emotional needs at your workplace, or the hot trainer at the gym. Women deprived of attention, compliments, and compassion; usually have emotional affairs. That doesn't mean it won't lead to sex, but initially they crave the attention and compassion that has been absent from their relationship.

The 10 Reasons Why Men Cheat

Love & Relationshsip
Men who engage in sexual and romantic entanglements after making a vow of monogamy do so for a variety of underlying psychological reasons:
  1. He’s a liar. 
    He never intended to be monogamous, despite his commitment. He doesn’t understand that his vow of fidelity is a sacrifice made to and for his relationship and the person he professes to love. This man views monogamy as something to be worked around rather than embraced.
  2. He is insecure. Deep down, he feels that he is too young, too old, too fat, too thin, too poor, too stupid, or too whatever to be desirable. He uses flirtation, porn, and extramarital sex as a way to feel better about himself, to reassure himself that he is still desirable, worthwhile, and “good enough.”
  3. He is immature. He thinks that as long as his partner doesn’t find out, he’s not hurting anybody. He doesn’t understand that significant others almost always know when something is up. He doesn’t “get” that his partner will eventually find out what’s been going on, and when that occurs, it won’t be pretty.
  4. He is damaged. Perhaps he is acting out early trauma experiences, such as physical abuse, neglect, or sexual abuse. His formative wounds have left him unable or unwilling to fully commit himself to another person. He may also seek sexual intensity outside his relationship as a way to self-medicate (escape from) his emotional and psychological pain.

Friday 20 November 2015


Love & Relationship
We are the fairer sex and though the woman presented to the outside world might be cool, calm and invariably well put together, there are certain things that she would rather you didn’t know about what goes on behind closed doors (literally and figuratively). These are some of those hushed up universal traits.

1. We will look much worse than you when we wake up. It’s a crime of nature that all men seem to look exactly the same in the morning as they do at any other time of the day. Fresh. Women, however, have to contend with last night’s make up and the not-so-great effect it has on our morning faces. You have been warned.

2. How much we have stalked you on Social Media. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, you name it, before we meet you, we will have exhausted it to find out what we can about you. This also extends to ex-girlfriends as well. We will know what they look like and who their friends are. However, if you ever ask us about this the strategy is always deny deny deny.

3.We don’t always wear sexy, or even remotely attractive, underwear. We all have more than a few pairs we would rather you didn’t see.

10 Things a Real Man Does When He’s in a Relationship

Love & Relationship
Some women feel a “Real Man” doesn’t exist—that he is impossible to find. Other women do not want someone like him. On the other hand, some men think they are the very definition of a “Real Man.” Other men feel there is no such thing. One thing is true, though: Those men who think they are the very definition of a “Real Man” and those who think they are not are both very often wrong.

If you want to know if you are a real man or are in a relationship with a real man, watch the actions. A real man behaves so different from the selfish frat boy types you see everywhere that you can’t fail to notice the difference. He is a gentleman—good for more than just the first few months. Importantly, a real man does things so well when he is in a relationship that you just have to love him and his style.

1. A real man loves and respects his woman for who she is.

He might not love her all the time, but he loves her. Not just her body, her possessions and her status, but all of her! He’s aware that as beautiful as her body is now, physical beauty fades. He therefore focuses his love and attention on her true beauty, which is found within her sensibilities and personality. He treats her like a lady, with dignity and respect. He doesn’t mind cooking her favorite meal, taking her out to wine and dine and paying the bills. He also expects love and respect from her.

Wednesday 18 November 2015

10 Good Reasons to Save Sex Until Marriage

Love & Relationship
Purity and chastity seem to be virtues that have gone out of fashion. The crisis of values ​​has led many young people to see sex as the center of their dating relationship. Sexually active men are considered "winners" and women "experienced," while someone who saves him or herself in chastity is taken to be a prude, sexually incapable, or repressed by the Church. However, the reality is completely the opposite. Let’s take a look at 10 reasons to promote sexual abstinence among our youth.

1. It promotes good communication in dating. When a couple practices abstinence, their communication is good because they are not just focused on pleasure but on the joy of sharing their views and experiences; moreover, their conversations are deeper. By contrast, physical intimacy is an easy way to relate, but it overshadows other forms of communication. It is a way of avoiding the real work involved in emotional intimacy, like talking about deep personal issues and working on the basic differences between the two of you.

2. The friendship in your relationship grows. Physical closeness can lead teenagers think they are emotionally close, when in fact they are not. A romantic relationship essentially consists in cultivating a friendship, and there is no friendship without conversation and shared interests. Personal conversation creates friendships and helps us to discover one another and get to know the other’s qualities and flaws. Some young people are driven by passion, and when they get to know each other more deeply, they end up disenchanted. And they did not get to know each other because they never got to be friends; instead, they were "friends with benefits."

8 reasons you're not getting orgasms

Love & Relationship
Having an orgasm shouldn't be like solving a difficult math problem but for a lot of women, it really can seem like that. spoke with several doctors to find out the real reasons why you're not getting there. ​

1. You're on a medication that is making orgasms nearly impossible

Doctors say medications like SSRIs (used to treat depression, anxiety, and other conditions) can diminish sex hormones in the body, and often lead to having crappy orgasms or no orgasms at all. So if the sex is actually good and it's just not happening for you, that could be why. Talk to your doctor and see if there's another medication with fewer sexual side effects that you could be taking. 

Tuesday 17 November 2015

10 Definitive Ways To Tell You’re In Love With The Right Someone

Love & Relationship
Falling in love is one of the most exciting, rewarding and scariest things you could ever do.Once you’re in love with someone, it’s hard to remember how you lived without him or her. Of course, you were alive before you met this person, but you really didn’t start “living” until the two of you met.I remember when I first fell in love with my girlfriend; it was a very scary feeling, as I had managed to elude love for the entirety of my life before her. I specifically remember the transition from when I liked Vanessa to when I began to love her.
Vanessa went from being someone who made me smile to being the greatest catalyst of the happiness and joy in my life. She went from a gorgeous girl I met to the most beautiful girl I know. She went from my crush to the love of my life.

Everyone experiences love differently, and at different times. Even the meaning of love is extremely subjective, but I say for certain that anyone who’s experienced it knows it’s the best feeling ever.

Here are 10 ways to know if you might be in love — rather than in like — with someone:
1. The best part of your day

As Childish Gambino said, “When I’m alone, I’d rather be with you.” Seeing my girlfriend is always the highlight of my day. If you really love someone, you never truly get tired of him or her.

Monday 16 November 2015

10 Do’s And Don’t’s Of Dating Multiple People

Love & Relationship
Okay, so I jut turned 26 years old. It’s not “old-old” in the scheme of the human experience/geologic time, but it feels kinda old to me right now. I’ve had a few serious relationships, and some of them ended because of my own shortcomings, some ended because of his shortcomings, and some ended because I/him/we were so desperate to BE in a relationship that we took what we could get, regardless of actual compatibility. Nonetheless, after the last one, I realized that I might be in a stage of my life where I honestly can’t rely on my own judgment when it comes to men. It’s pathetic, but at least I can admit it. So, I’m doing this new thing where I just openly date a heap of dudes, and am going to remain ACTIVELY AND WILLFULLY SINGLE for at least a year. I’ve been doing it for about 6 months. Here’s what I’ve learned so far:

DO: Date multiple people.

If you’re doing the single thing, go on with your bad self and GET SOME. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with seeing multiple people at the same time.
DON’T: Feel guilty.

If you’re upfront and not being shady or secretive about your actions, there is no reason to feel guilty. There’s a major difference between confessing your love for someone and going out to dinner.
DO: Attempt to get to know said people, rather than just sleeping with them.

Dating multiples is one thing, fucking multiples is another. Personally, I’ve got love for both sides, but if you’re a relatively young person who’s just “trying to find yourself (gag), I highly recommend making a sincere attempt at getting to know those you choose go out with. After all, isn’t part of finding yourself figuring out what kind of people you’re really into?
DON’T: Develop feelings.

Friday 13 November 2015

10 things men find unattractive in women

Women seem to notice everything that is "wrong" with another woman. They can easily spot any makeup disaster, ugly hairdo or tacky outfit. But what about men? Will those who understand nothing of fashion or feminine things also notice when a woman is ill-groomed?

he answer is yes. Most men can tell when a woman is trying too hard and not pulling something off. Here are 10 things they hate most: 

1. Extreme hairstyles 
A woman with hair full of volumizing product and variously placed bobby pins walks into the room. You think she will attract the attention of all the men at the party. Will it attract attention? Yes, but I doubt if any man wants to get near that rat's nest for any other reason than to see what is holding all of it up. Most men prefer long, loose, soft and silky hair, not sticky hairspray and hard gels. 

2. Masked faces 
Foundation is used to hide imperfections, fine lines and blemishes. However, it should be applied as a thin, even layer, and in a shade that blends right in to your skin. Overuse can make it look like you came out with a layer of clay on your face. When applied correctly, no one should be able to tell that you are hiding imperfections on your face. Remember, less is always more. 

3. Sticky eyelashes 
You know that effect when a woman uses too much mascara -- her eyelashes all stick together and smear black with each blink. Nothing about that look is attractive. Use good quality mascara that dries quickly and does not smudge. After applying, use an eyelash brush to remove any excess off of your lashes. Men love beautiful and expressive eyes, free of black clumps. 

Wednesday 11 November 2015

This is why You Always have a Relationship failure

Pure love cannot be given, it can only be shared by two beings of equal pure intensity.pure love doesn't expect anything nor does it demand something. It's natural, gracious and freezing.

It Took me three days to write this Article .If you pay vivid attention to this Article, You could save your current or future Relationship and That would save you from having a relationship failure just as;Nadia Buari and Michael Essien, Okyeame Kwame and Nana Ama Mcbrown, Yvonne Nelson and Iyanya, Amber Rose and wiz khalifa, Nicki Minaj and Safaree Samuels.

Love!! Everybody has their own definition for it right? Some people love their cats ,their dogs ,cars,their shoes ,some people love their husbands ,some people love thing for sure is that every body love to be loved but not many people are good at it but the question still remains .what the hell is it ? The Truth is we have forgotten what real love is. Our ideas about love are mostly from story books ,romantic movies ,popular songs and Facebook memes and they all show fuzzy type of love and as you are aware in your own life,this ideas on based are flawed .They are based on ownership and selfishness ."you are my bae, my sweet heart .i love you but only if you are with me".Thats a possessive type of love right? That's a love of which strings attached; Impure type of love.Ask yourself this question; Who do you hate ? It's probably somebody you use to love right?

Tuesday 10 November 2015

12 Things Men Don't Care About When Having Sex

We're having sex. We could get stabbed and not notice for hours. We're not going to notice your hairy legs.

1. Whether or not your vagina smells like a field of fresh lilies. If your vagina literally smells like a field full of flowers, that might be a cause for concern. But a vagina is supposed to smell like a vagina. Plus, it's not like Yankee Candle is ever going to put out a "Balls" scent, so we're pretty much even. Most guys either actively like the way you smell down there or are pretty neutral on the whole thing.

2. Whether or not you're hairless like a sex dolphin. Unless you suffer from hypertrichosis, skipping out on shaving for a few days isn't going to be a deal-breaker. Considering most guys would put their lives on the line for the opportunity to bang, getting a pube in our mouth is a pretty tame risk to take. Also "sex dolphins" aren't actually a thing. Don't Google that.

3. How wet (or not wet) you are. There's no such thing as too wet. There also is such a thing as lube. Neither of these things are issues.

4. Any sounds your vagina may make during intercourse. Weird sex noises are totally normal and the only way they're horrible is when you stop mid-coitus to be like, "Oh, man. That was gross." No, it wasn't. What's gross is having sex one moment and then not having sex the next just because apparently you never shoved your hand in a tube of Gak growing up. This is what happens when you shove something into something tight and wet. Air escapes violently.

Monday 9 November 2015

10 Ways To Know Your Relationship Is Over

How do you know your relationship is over? In a general sense, most of us can agree it's when the bad experiences with your significant other start to outweigh the good.

Still, there's often one single moment that signifies the end of a relationship -- whether or not we recognize it at the time. On Saturday, Redditors on the Ask Reddit board shared the moment they realized their relationship had run its course. Check out what they had to say below.

1. Your number one source of stress is your significant other. 
"Being with your S.O. should be something that takes away stress, but over the course of a year, my S.O. became my number one cause of stress."

2. You can't see yourself being with your S.O. for the long haul.
"We were at a wedding I was in, and multiple times this thought passed through my mind: 'This will never be us.' It wasn't even a question, it was a certainty. It was scary as hell. He noticed something was off, I eventually talked about how I was feeling, and it came out that while things were great right now, we both wanted something different down the road. We called it off and have been on great terms ever since, but damn... that moment. At a crossroads with one way leading to denial and the other leading to the terrifyingly unfamiliar."

3. There's a breakdown in communication -- and that's OK with you. 
"I knew it was over when I started genuinely forgetting to talk to him and wouldbarely think about him anymore. I had just started university and he was in his final year. We'd been together almost three and a half years but we were at different points in our lives. I knew I would end things eventually -- it's just actually doing it which is the hard part."

4. You're happier alone than with your partner. 
"When not being with her made me happier than being with her. Once I had been away for long enough that the hormone blinds on my eyes peeled away, I finally saw all the red flags clearly for what they were and kicked myself for being such an idiot."

5 Tips for Avoiding Conflict in Your Relationship

One weekend my husband and I got into a fight over a pillowcase. It was one of those times where it was clearly his fault, and I was sure he would apologize the next day. He didn't. Instead he seemed surprised that I wasn't apologizing to him.

How could we have such different views of the same conflict? Which one of us was right?

It turns out that we were both right, in our own way. Misunderstandings like the one that led to our fight occur because people tend to be naïve realists(link is external). We believe that we see social interactions as they truly are, and that other people see them the same way that we do. However, one of the most enduring contributions of social psychology is theunderstanding that two people can interpret the same social interaction in very different ways, based on their own personal knowledge and experiences (Asch, 1952).

I thought my husband had taken my pillowcase as a joke. He knew he had done it by accident. These different pieces of knowledge led us to interpret the same conversation in very different ways. Our misunderstanding is not uncommon. In close relationships there will inevitably be times when our personal experiences lead us to interpret interactions differently than our partners. These interpretations may be due to chronic differences in culture or the way we were raised. For example, you and your partner may disagree about whether or not to be affectionate in public because one of you was raised by affectionateparents while the other's parents looked down on public affection. Different interpretations may also be due to something in the moment, such as getting upset with your partner for being late but not knowing that his boss stopped them on his way out of the office. 

What does the psychological research suggest you do the next time your partner shows up late for an event, declines going to dinner with your friends, or otherwise does something that offends you in a major way? 
Refrain from making a snap judgment. You weren't misled when you were taught that first impressions matter. People tend to anchor(link is external) onto their initial impression of a situation, and have a hard time forming a new one, even in the light of disconfirming information. When you first realize that you and your partner have differing opinions, tell yourself that you are going to wait until you have all the facts before you interpret the situation. 

Saturday 7 November 2015

5 surprising ways you're not protected during sex

For the most part, it's easy to have safe sex — use protection and a method of birth control that works for you, and talk about your sexual histories — but there are also a lot of ways that you might think you're protected but aren't.

1. Yes, you can get an STD from oral sex. Viruses like HPV and herpes also live inside the mouth and can easily be transmitted to your genital areas because the lining of the vagina is very similar to the lining of the mouth. So dental dams and condoms are actually necessary. Sucks, I know. 

2. And you can get an STD if he comes on your face and it gets in your eye. Yes, sadly you can HIV, syphilis, and Hepatitis B and C via come-in-eye.​ So basically everything is scary and keep your wits about you. ​Or just ask if he's been tested recently before he gives you a facial.

3. Even if he's wearing a condom, you can still get HPV if your crotch skin touches his crotch skin. Any skin-to-skin contact can transmit viruses like HPV through tiny breaks in the skin (like a little cut from shaving) on either of you. 

4. You can still totally get pregnant while on your period. ​Taking out your tampon and having sex while thinking, Ah, yes I am safe, is actually not a foolproof plan because your ovulation timing is variable and may not coincide with the timing of your menses. Your chances of getting pregnant during your period are very small (less than 1 percent), but it's still not zero, so better to use protection anyway.

5 perfectly fabulous reasons to date younger men

Think you can't date a younger man? Think again. Here are five fabulous reasons to date younger men, and love every minute of it!Reason 

1: He loves your experience
Your experience is valuable -- whether you're 50 or 65. And what a man your own age may view as "baggage," a younger guy sees as fascinating territory you've traveled -- and you're willing to share.
Think of all the things you two can discuss -- and you can take the lead and enjoy being the mentor. Everything from the business world to the books you read, and the pleasures you care to indulge in during private moments.He's the beneficiary of your lessons and your humor, and yes, that experience applies to the way you handle yourself in bed.

Reason 2: He's open-minded
Sure, we all tend to grow more opinionated as we get a little older, and some of us are young at heart and open-minded forever. But we may be more likely to find an enthusiastic cheerleader and non-judgmental partner in a person who is on the younger side.